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lunedì 17 marzo 2008

How to conjure 1.000.000 Dollars out of thin air

Sounds cool, eh? It is not even that difficult... at least in theory, it just involves some really basic origami skill and another talent we sould all be blessed with.

This is a Psi wheel, the folks at have some cool video detailing theory and practice of it. Basically all you have to do is fabricate the wheel and make it spin with the only force of your Chi power as in the videos.

A detailed how to can be found on, explaining the Chi-power theory, some scientifical explanation and proposing an ultimate test to see if you really have superpowers or it is just luck... and here come the bucks, if you do have superpowers, you might want to try your luck at the James Randi contest, the one that promises 1.000.000 Dollars to the guy who can demonstrate some real paranormal power. Needless to say that the big bucks are still safely in the pockets of the James Randi Foundation but don't let this discourage you. After all you might be the one ;)

Go there and try your luck or simply amaze your friends with the trick, it might not be supernatural but it works for real after all.

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