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giovedì 28 febbraio 2008

Encyclopedia Of Life, Genesis 7,2-3

A while ago I looked at the interesting mockup of a website collecting the catalogue of all living species: Encyclopedia of Life, a sort of Noha's Ark of the biological knowledge for both scientists and normal people. The project is ambitus but the underlying promise is amazing... well I was amazed at least, I even sent them a resume (No answer but I wasn't really expecting one ^_^).
I remember myself roaming the few demonstrative pages available at the time and thinking every moment "damn, why that link is still inactive!". Aside the scientifical value in fact (the project is intended also as a "bible of biological knowledge" for the scientific community), the whole thing is real fun! It was a while since I last saw such a nice divulgative resource. The kid in me was like mad, like wandering in the biggest zoo ever, always looking for the next animal led on by sheer curiosity.

Today that project is finally alive, I have read about it from a blog and I immediately hit the link, and... And I was not the only one. The site is down for excess of requests and I was redirected to the old mockup pages -_-'. Too bad but I will check later... And tomorrow... And the next week. If the real thing is one half of what I expect it will be worth the while. Check it yourselves!

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